Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Deviant Art is on a Rampage

more accurately referred to as a Papyrade? (Tirade ~ Papyrade...
clever, no?)

Physical Magic

Day & Night

Awesome. And yes, in order to ensure that everybody see this site in
full Papyral glory... this page is basically just a big-ass jpg. Thank
god, because this site just falls flat when not set entirely in Papyrus.

Day & Night

> Awesome. And yes, in oder to ensure that everybody see this site in
> full Papyral glory... this page is basically just a big-ass jpg.
> Thank god, because this site just falls flat when not set entirely
> in Papyrus.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I know, I know...

I know what you're thinking, and No, I've never nor will ever, watch
an episode of this Serenity show. Although I have nothing but the
utmost respect for an entire series to have the balls, in this day and
age to set their logo in fucking Papyrus. It's that kind of forward
thinking that makes JJ Abrams illustrious television career look like
some douche who's just trying too hard. Look at how nonchalant they
even put 'the 'verse' like it ain't no thang. With any other font
you'd definitely have to spell it out, but this bad boy is not known
to be one to play by the rules.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Long-lost cousin?

Not sure what exactly is going down here, but looks like 'ma & 'pa
papyrus have some 'splainin to do.

Monday, November 17, 2008